Message from our President,
December 9, 2008
After reading through old issues of Western Carpet Cleaner and Western Cleantalk, I cant help but be again reminded of how much CFI has grown and changed since Gene and George Janssen , whom I’ve never met, founded the Rug Cleaners Institute back in 1952. I’ve heard stories about how Gene invested great time and energy into convincing area cleaners that if they united as a group they could learn from each other and share common ground.
As a CFI member and a former Los Angeles chapter director I know Gene was right from first hand experience. I recall how excited I was to hold my very first CFI chapter meeting. (No, not the one at the sewage plant) I think it was a BBQ, and boy did we have a great turn out! Our members really enjoy sharing stories about the crazy client, the browned out sofa that turned purple, and all the lost things you find when blocking and chipping. Even better is talking shop and sharing ideas about new products and the latest gossip from around the industry. As far as I’m concerned, that’s all good stuff, but for me, the best is being reminded that we are all in this together, and for the past 60 years, CFI members have pretty much seen it all, together.
CFI has opened many doors of opportunity for me as a professional and as a person. And through the power of association, those who used to be my most feared competition are now my best allies and some, even friends. And having friends in this business really helps when times get tough or you just need to someone who understands the challenges that our line of work brings on a daily basis. I am truly grateful for this association and all it has done for me.
I am proud to announce that this year, CFI will host a variety of IICRC training courses, local chapter meetings, regional education days and charity events. None of this would be possible without our board of directors, who I believe are a great team to work with. And since this association has always been about teamwork, I would like to invite anyone who would like to get involved, start a CFI chapter or host meetings or events to please contact me personally at 1-818-515-7841.
Happy New Year!
Matthew Sanders
President, Carpet and Fabricare Institute.
Carpet & FabriCare Institute
P.O. Box 758
Escondido, CA 920331-800-Carpet9
1 comment:
I really do read old issues of Western Cleantalk among others. It still amazes me how rich our history is. I am proud to be a member of this association.
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